Packing Tips: How To Pack Electronics

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Packing Tips: How To Pack Electronics

28 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to packing your home for a big move, electronic devices require special care. Knowing how to pack these items can prevent damage and even make it easier to set up your devices as you get settled into your new home. Here are some helpful tips you can use to pack your electronic devices.

Color-Code Your Cables

Before you unplug your electronic devices to pack them away, consider using color-coded tape to identify each of the cables. Place a small piece of the tape above each port or connection point, and wrap a piece of the colored tape around the corresponding wire or cable. Once everything is labeled, take a picture with your smartphone for reference. You can then disconnect everything and prepare the items for packing. When you move, simply match up the colors on the cables with the colors on the device for easy setup.

Avoid Tangled Wires

Use zip ties to wrap cables and cords before placing them in your boxes. This will prevent you from having to untangle a jumble of wires. You may also want to place the cables for each item (especially if a device has more than one cable) in a zippered sandwich or freezer bag, which can then be taped to the back of the device. This will take the guesswork out of determining which cables go to all of your electronics.

Wrap Your Devices

You'll want to use bubble wrap, newspaper or tissue paper to prevent your electronics from becoming damaged during the move, but you'll also want to protect them from dirt and dust as well. Consider wrapping the items in sheets or towels for an added layer of protection, or for smaller items, use plastic wrap or plastic bags to keep dirt away from the devices.

Pack Your Items In Plain Boxes

Instead of packing electronics in the original boxes they came in, consider placing them in unmarked brown moving boxes. This will prevent potential thieves from seeing what type of expensive electronics you are bringing into your home. You can label the boxes for the rooms they belong in without listing the contents. If you do want to use the original packaging, consider using plain mailing paper to wrap the boxes to make them more discreet. Be sure to ask your moving company if it offers electronic unpacking and setup. Some movers will be able to unbox your items and set up your television, computer, and home theater system for you as part of your moving package.

To read more, contact local professionals.