Don't Want To Move To Another State? 3 Ways To Change Your Mindset

Are you preparing to move cross-country? Learn more about finding the right professional movers and how they can help you.

Don't Want To Move To Another State? 3 Ways To Change Your Mindset

12 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Life often throws curveballs. You might have been happy living in your current state forever. However, you never know what's around the corner, and a sudden life change has made moving necessary. Whether your spouse has to relocate for work or you need to care for an aging loved one, this is one of those times you can't say no. If this is the case, know that you are not alone. According to Zillow, more than 60% of moves last year involved relocating to another state. While you can't change your life circumstances, you can alter your mood by using these strategies to make your move more exciting.

Incorporate Humor Into Each Day

Preparing your home for moving day is stressful, which will only add to your frustration. Before you sort through your belongings in preparation for your long distance move, hide little notes around your house. Inspirational messages, silly jokes, and printed memes will all bring a smile to your face every time they are discovered. This same method can be carried over to your kid's rooms as well if they are also struggling with the move.

Plan a Touristy Road Trip

According to the same Zillow report, the majority of Americans drove their vehicle to their new state. Fortunately, long distance moving companies often take it slow since they are carrying precious cargo. This means that you may have a little extra time to schedule some fun into your trip. Simply search for wacky roadside attractions along your route, and pick out a few to keep everyone excited.

Arrange For Loved Ones to Visit

For most people, moving away from friends and family is the hardest part of a move, so ask someone close to you to visit once you've settled in. Having something to look forward to will serve as motivation for unpacking and setting up your new home. It will also encourage you to get out and explore your new community so that you have places to go when your loved ones visit.

Keeping a positive attitude throughout your move will ease the stress on you and your family. While professional movers provide help with the physical aspects of moving, it is still common to struggle emotionally with leaving your familiar life behind. By shifting your mindset to view your move as a big adventure, you can enter the next phase of your life prepared to make the most out of every moment.